Hi, bought all the templates, but currently I am working on the Gardening landscaping one.
I have had a tough time with the backgound color of the “menu bar/logo section”. When the page is first loaded, that section is “transparent” and shows part of wathever picture I have in the slider. Since some of the pictures are darker and others are lighter, the menu and logo is not quite visible when some of the pictures are loaded because of the lack of contrast. This is not the case when I slide the page down because the “menu bar/logo” section turns white and I can manage a contrast color for both, logo and menu.
I wonder if I can have enabled a % of transparency/opacity in that “menu bar/logo” section in order to have some contrast for my menu options and logo. If that’s not possible at least leave it always white, since I need to load both, darker and lighter pictures in the slider and that will remain a problem.