Hi Matt,
As per your query, you will get social icons setting in customizer here is an easy step to get the icon set.
Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Setting >> Social Icon >> You can add a link here and you can hide icon also.
If you need any other help please let us know.
No, I’m sorry. I mean the icons that appear throughout the site, like the calendar with the little checkmark, the heart, etc. They’re referenced in the documentation as things you can change out, but I don’t see where they (the icons) actually are.
Hi Matt,
As per your query, you will get a calendar with the little checkmark and heart adding an option in the customizer.
We are giving you some easy steps to get the icons.
Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Setting >> Goals >> You will Add Icon Class >> Just add icon code as per your reqiment >> Publish.
You can select the icons and use icon code also from these link: https://fontawesome.com/icons
If you need any other help please let us know.